Underpinning refers to strengthening and reinforcing a foundation for a structure. It is usually done by increasing the depth and breadth. There are many reasons why underpinning is necessary. Below is a list to help you understand the unique utility of underpinning.
If a structure requires underpinning then it is due to the following reasons:
- The original foundation isn’t strong/stable enough for the current structure.
- It was not the original purpose of the structure. Therefore, foundation reinforcement is required.
- The soil cannot support the weight of the structure.
- A second story is being added. This will require deeper foundational feet to support greater load-bearing capacities.
- It’s cheaper to repair/reinforce rather than to buy new one.
- Structure’s security has been compromised by earthquakes, droughts, floods, and other acts of God
A simple way to think about underpinning is this: any outside force that compromises the strength, integrity, and functionality of your foundation/footing is a reason to underpin (provide reinforcement/structural support).
Underpinning in construction is the process of strengthening and stabilizing a building’s foundation. If it wasn’t done, it could prove to be dangerous. What are the advantages of underpinning a structure or building? These are some of the questions you might ask if you’re told by a supervisor that your building requires underpinning.
Following are some of the advantages and reasons one should think about:
1) Existing foundations are weak or unstable. Underpinning will fix these issues.
2) The building’s use has changed like the owner has changed its purpose.
3) The soil properties on which the building is built have changed – it could have been affected by subsidence or movement of the ground. Underpinning will strengthen the structure in such cases.
4) Addition of new buildings or structures to the area. A new house built next to an existing home may require underpinning to help strengthen it.
- The land cost has risen. If land prices rise significantly, it may be cheaper to use underpinning to improve the property (perhaps adding another floor) than to purchase more land.
To get the best underpinning companies near the locality then you just need to search on Google “Underpinning companies near me”. Then you will the best companies near your house.

Types underpinning
There are three primary types of underpinnings:
1. Mass Concrete Underpinning/Mass Pour- Mass concrete underpinning might be the oldest and most commonly used foundation repair technique on the planet. This involves digging holes or voids below a weak foundation and pouring new cement/mud/filler beneath the original foundation. This provides extra support and depth to the foundation.
2. Beam and Base Underpinning-This is a modern type of underpinning, where a reinforced concrete/steel beam is constructed below, above or in replacement to the existing footing. The beam then transfers the building’s mass to the concrete/metal base, which is strategically placed at load-bearing places.
This is slightly less sophisticated than mass concrete underneath pinning, in that it is adding concrete/steel to an older concrete/steel base and not replacing it.
3. Mini-piled Underpinning- This type allows for the maximum flexibility regarding where access is restricted/restricted, and how significant environmental pollution is. Mini-piled underpinning refers to situations when the structure’s loads need to be transferred to more load-bearing soil at greater depths (occasionally up to 50 feet).
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