How Do I Know If I Have Sinking Piers or Sloping Floors?
You will know when you have sinking piers or sloping floors by noticing the following:
Objects Start Rolling
Placing a ball or a toy with wheels on the floor and observing its motion can indicate sinking piers. If objects tend to roll in a certain direction, it likely signifies uneven sinking causing the floor to tilt.
Noticing Cracked Walls
Sinking floor piers often contribute to cracked Gyprock or plaster walls in your home. The uneven sinking rates of your floor piers increase the pressure against your walls, leading to visible cracks.
Cracks in the Ceilings
Uneven sinking floor piers can lead to pressure exerted upward, causing ceiling cracks or falling ornamental cornices. This damage shows the need for immediate attention to your floor piers.
Furniture Starts Rattling
Unstable furniture, rattling cupboard doors, or unevenly resting couches could signify that your floorboards are uneven, possibly due to sinking floor piers.